Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mason and Shepherd' difficulties Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mason and Shepherd' difficulties - Case Study Example The clause 1, 2 and 4 of her contract exclusively forbid her to share any information that is related to the company, its associates and customers or is linked in anyway to its wider interests. The contract is also explicit in that during the employment period and within one year of leaving present employment, she cannot engage in any business or activity that is in direct or indirect competition to the existing area of operation of ATS. As per clause 6, the company has also claim to any new idea that may significantly impact organizational work output and performance. Shepherd’s employment contract also forbids him to share company’s information. At the same time, it also ensures that his employer, Nova Software Company will have claim to any new idea, discovery or development that are conceived during the period of employment and which has direct bearing on the wider ramifications on the operations and performance of the company. Thus, both Mason and Shepherd are in h ighly precarious ground vis-a-vis their employment conditions. There are huge legal and ethical issues that are being violated by Mason and Shepherd. Shepherd was inspired for his new ideas for developing translation software by observing the pros and con of the software developed by his previous employer, Riverhead. But it was only after working for ten years at Nova that he decided to seriously work on translation engine. The new software would expedite the portability of software developed by Nova and other companies on myriad operating systems. Hence, by default the company has claim to the idea and development of translation engine which would complement the software developed by the Nova. Mason has also been exploiting her contacts, developed during her employment at ATS for her own vested interests. She has also been highly unethical in accessing and using confidential information for her personal gain. Mason and Shepherd are both in serious trouble. They now not only need to give advance notice for their resignation but also hire the services of a lawyer who could defend them in the court of law for breach of confidential information, violation of employment contract on various level and for also protecting their future interests vis-a-vis their creative input. Therefore, Mason and Shepherd must hand over their resignation, give advance notice and also take legal recourse to counter any claim by their employers. Answer 2 The non disclosure agreement as prepared by Mason and Shepherd for the prospective venture capitalists lacks professional vision and rational approach. The agreement prohibits the VCs to discuss the wider ramifications of the project with other investors or specialists for its feasibility. The VCs are independent investors who would need to ensure the viability of project before they decide to fund the project. They are also inundated with requests for funding the projects from other businesses and individuals. Thus, it would become hi ghly difficult for VCs to differentiate minor differences amongst the innovative software from different developers. Hence, disclosure agreement must give leverage to VCs so that they can confer with other experts in the field before coming to final decision. Mason and Shepherd can protect their interests by patenting their ideas and software. Hence, it is unreasonable to expect VCs to sign this disclosure agreement. Another important fact is that legitimacy of the company that has yet to become a legal entity. Thus, any legal non disclosure agreement becomes null and void and it is highly unreasonable on the part of Mason and Shepherd to expect their venture capitalists to sign such agreement. Answer 3 Yes. Mason and Shephe

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Starbucks Coffee Company - An Analysis Assignment

Starbucks Coffee Company - An Analysis - Assignment Example No Heading Page No 1 Retail Sales Mix by Products Type for Company –Operated Stores 3 2 Coffee & Snacks Shops – Industry at a Glance – 2011 4 3 Total Net Revenues of Starbucks 5 4 Ranking of Porter’s Five Forces 7 5 Outlet Numbers of Selected Specialty coffee stores 9 4 Number of Coffee Outlets - UK 10 6 Comparable Stores Sales Growth 15 1.0 Introduction: Starbuck is the leader in roaster, retailer and marketer of specialty coffee in the international level functioning in sixty nations around the world. Through company operated stores, Starbucks buy and roast first-rate coffee beans which it would market with handcrafted tea, coffee and other hot drinks, roasted beans, coffee accessories and a number of food items to its customers around the world. Starbuck main goal is that its coffee should be grown under the top standards of quality employing just buying practices. (Bussing-Burks: 1). Retail Sales Mix by Products Type for Company –Operated Stores : Starbucks established its first store on March 29, 1971 in Seattle. The major turning point in Starbucks operations started after Howard Schultz joined as director of Starbucks retail marketing and operations in 1982 as Starbucks started to offer coffee to espresso bars and fine restaurants. In 1984, Howard convinced the founders of Starbucks to apply the Italian coffeehouse concept in Seattle and in 1984, the ever first Starbucks Caffe Latte was offered. In 1987, Starbucks was acquired by II Giornale and the name was changed to Starbucks Corporation (Gilbert: 1). In 2000, Howard Schultz was promoted as chairman of the company. In 2008, Howard Schultz returned as the chief executive officer from the position of chairman and Coffee Equipment Company was acquired. In 2011, it acquired evolution fresh and in 2012, it acquired La Boulange. As of 30th September 2012, Starbucks has 9405 company –operated stores and 8661 licensed stores around the world. (â€Å"Starbucks Timeline 2012†). 1.1 â€Å"Segment Analysis â€Å" â€Å"Current Market Position† Coffee & Snacks Shops – Industry at a Glance – 2011 â€Å"USD in Billions† Revenue 26.5 Industry Annual Growth 2006 to 2011 2% â€Å"Annual Growth 2011 to 2016† 4.1% Industry Profit 1.6 Industry Wages 6.1 As per IBIS World Industry Report 2011 (Coffee & Snacks Shops), Starbuck is occupying 32.6% of share in the industry. (Fellner 2008:17). As per Starbucks annual report, Starbuck serves about 33% of total QSR (Quick Service Restaurant), which includes both convenience store coffee shop and coffee shop despite cutthroat competition in QSR, Starbuck is able to hold its share in the industry. Further in the global market, every one cup of coffee out of 100 cups of coffee served is being served by the Starbucks. 1.2 â€Å"Current Strategies† Recovering from recession, Starbucks has attained the highest annual income of $11.7 bn in the year 2011. During 2011, Blonde Roast, was introduced in its products, it entered into the juice segment by acquiring Evolution Fresh. Starbucks is now able to serve about 60 million

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Coronary heart disease in London

Coronary heart disease in London Mortality rates due to Coronary heart disease are increasing in the London and its one of the borough Newham. Newham has second height rates of early death due to cardiovascular disease (Newham PCT 2007). 68% of total population are South Asian origin ( Newham, 2008). This eassy is examine the distribution of coronary heart disease among the South Asian community in the London borough of Newham. It will look the demography and ethnicity of borough by using various epidermiolgical data to follow the situation of coronary heart disease among the various community of South Asian ethnic groups.It will also disscuss the mortality rates due to coronary heart disease in different boroughs of London. In addition, it will also disscuss the social and other factors that is responseable for coronary heart disease in the South Asian population in the borough. And at last it will discuss the various international, national and local policies and from the various service gaps it will give some re commendation and ended with conclusion. Coronary heart disease is the one of the main cause of death in the whole world, accounting 18 million death s each year (33% of total death in each year) (World Health Organization, 2001 ). Mortality rates vary considerably between countries, being lower in Japan and Mediterranean countries such as France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, and highest in eastern European countries such as Latvia and Lithuania (World health organization). Around 50% of these deaths are from CHD and further 25% from stroke. Cardiovascular disease mortality rates in the UK are currently amongst the highest in the world, accounting for 36% of premature deaths in men ( those aged less then 75 years ) and 75% amongst women . (sara stanner, 2005,p1 p5 ) Death rates from coronary heart disease are higher in south Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) men and women than general population of United Kingdom. Across all the age groups, the death rates are 40% higher in south Asian community, with a two fold excess of deaths in south Asian men before the age of 40. South Asian women are affected at later stage. The high death rates due to coronary heart disease are common feature of all the main groups of coming from south Asia. ( Paul McKeigue Leena Sevak, 1994, p1). London, the capital of England and U.K, is the worlds ninth largest city. It has 32 boroughs, of which 13 are situated in the inner London and 19 are situated in outer London. It is the second largest region in terms of total population, accounting for 12 per cent of the UK total. There were 7.6 million residents in 2007.( National Statistics 2009 ). Newham is one of the boroughs of London. The population of Newham is about 262,116 in 2008. The age structure of the population of Newham is predominantly young as shown on the fig1 Source: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2008 Only 8% of populations are over 65 years old, compared to national average of 16%. This is the second lower proportion of older people in the country.35% of population are under 25, highest proportion in the country. 22% population is under 15 years old, compared to national average, which is 18%.The population of Newham is estimated to have grown by 7.5 % between the 2001 National Census ( 243,891) and 2008 ( 262,116 ). Two thirds (68%) of population of Newham are usually BMI groups. The largest group was estimated to be South Indian (32%) of which Indian (12%), Pakistani (10%), Bangladeshi (10%).There is also significant numbers of Black African(15%) and Black Caribbean(7%) people in 2006. A large number of people who live in this borough come from outside of the UK. 38% of boroughs population was born outside of the UK. This includes a significant number of people who came as asylum seekers or refugees. There is a marked change in the ethnic composition of wards in Newham between 1991 and 2001. There was an inverse relation ship between the proportion of White resident and Asian. Normally, the wards with high proportion of white residents had a low proportion of Asian residents and vice versa. For example, in Green Street east ward 65% was Asian where only 16% was white resident. In contract, in Royal dock, 61% of population was white and only 7% wa s Asian (Newham, 2008) Ethnicity by ward in Newham Source: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2008 Coronary Heart Disease is the major cause of death in the South Asian population in the UK and the death rates of South Asian population due to CHD is higher than the indigenous white population which is stated 46% higher in men and 51% higher in women in the south Asian community in the United Kingdom. Besides the death rates between the South Asian community and rest of the population is increasing they by day due to slow decreasing rates of mortality in the South Asian community rather than the rest of the population ( DOH, 2003). Coronary Heart Disease is prevalent among the South Asians. South Asian people born in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan are approximately 50% more susceptible to die prematurely from coronary heart disease than the general population. A joint report by NHS and British Heart Foundation said that it is not completely uncovered why South Asian suffered more heart disease than the other group of population. There is several hypothesis have been offe red. For example, South Asian are genetically more prone to have coronary heart disease and their back ward socio-economic position may also put them at higher risk. Other risk factor common in South Asians are high level of smoking ( Particularly amongst the Bangladeshi men ), low exercise rate and taking high fat diet and low intake of food and vegetables. In addition to suffering high level of heart disease, evidence shows that Asian communities tends to be diagnosed at late stage of the disease and that leeds to poorer survival rates ( DHSSPS, 2004). . The mortality rates due to coronary heart disease in most deprived 20% areas of England is nearly 60% higher than the mortality rates of the least 20% areas of England for both sex between 2001 to 2006. The most vulnerable groups in the United kingdom for coronary heart disease are the South Asian community. Compared to national average, men born in Pakistan or Bangladesh who live in UK are more than twice chance of die due to coronary heart disease ( British Heart Foundation, 2009). Several risk factors that causes the coronary heart disease is identified after extensive statistical study. There are several risk factors pointed by the American Heart Association of which some of the risk factors can be modified or treat ed and some of the risk factors are not, causes of this risk factors are idiopathic. The major risk factors that cant be changed are usually increasing age, gender and the hereditary factor. Above 83% of people, who died due to coronary heart disease are usually over 65years old. Men are more vulnerable to heart attack then women and they are developing the heart disease early stage of the life then women. The third risk factor is hereditary, means the children are more risk of developing heart disease in their life whose parents are suffering from heart disease as well (American Heart Association, 2009). The other major risk factors that can be modified, controlled or treated to cure are discussed below: SMOKING: The people who smoke usually put themselves 2-4 times more risk to develop coronary heart disease then the non smokers (American Heart Association, 2009). South Asian people usually smoke more than the overall general population. But the level of smoking may differ in various ethnic groups. The level of smoking is relatively high in Bangladeshi community and particularly in older people. 42% people in Bangladeshi community are smoker, where only 27% of general population are smoker. 70% of the older men in Bangladeshi community aged 54-70 are usually smokes and the percentage of smoker in the age range of 30-49 is 54%. Smoking levels of South Asian women are much lower than South Asian men and lower than the women who smoke in general population. But there is marked number of Bangladeshi women (14%) are usually smoking cigarettes (DOH, 2004).Chewing tobacco is common in Bangladeshi community .19% of men and 26% of women in the Bangladeshi community are fond of chewing tobacco. Chewin g tobacco is the main tobacco product among the women of Bangladeshi community ( British Heart Foundation, 2002).Fig-4 shows the prevalence of smoking in Newham, where 46% Bangladeshi men and 33% Pakistani men are smoker and among the women the percentage is Pakistan 4%, India1%, and Bangladesh 1% ( Savings life 2007). DIET : The one of the main reason of high prevalence of coronary heart disease in UK is unhealthy diet. People intake too much saturated fat in their diet and consumption of vegetable and fruit. Total energy receive from the fat by adults is falling in a very slow rate, 40% in mid 1970s and now it is around 37%. Now the food habit of the population is changing and percentage of taking saturated fat are falling from around 19% to around 15%. In contrast, 88% of men and 83% of women still taking saturated fat higher than the normal level. The people are eating more fresh fruits since 1940s but the level of taking vegetable is going low. Now a days only 13% of men and 15% of women are taken the right amount of fruit and vegetable in UK. Among the minor ethnic groups, Indian and Pakistani men and women are taking sufficient amount of fruits (British Heart Foundation, 2009).Normally, Bangladeshi men and women are fond of red meat and fried food so their intake of red meat and fried food is highe r than the other community. On the other hand, the men and the women of the Indian community take red meat less frequently and Indian men are not fond of fried food. This food habits affects the overall fat score. The highest fat score in men is naturally goes to Bangladeshi men (22%) and lowest with the Indian men (11%) men. 27% of Bangladeshi women have high fat score compare to Indian women, they have only 8% of them with high fat score. Bangladeshi adults take the lowest level of fruits. Only 15% of Bangladeshi men and 16% of Bangladeshi women eats fruits more than six times in a week. The Pakistani Community have lowest level of vegetable consumption. Only 7% of men and 11% of women in the Pakistani community takes vegetable more than six times a week (British Heart Foundation, 2002). Physical activity: Physically activities definitely lower the risk of coronary heart disease. As a adults, 30 minutes a moderate physical activities at least five times in a week is good for health. But the Health Survey For England shows that only 40% of men and around 28% of women in this country are as active as the recommend level is. The more recent data obtained from Health Survey For England shows that physical activity is little bit increasing between men and women in all age from 1970 to 2006 ( British Heart Foundation, 2009).South Asian men and women usually avoid the physical activities. Among all the south Asian community, lowest levels are found in Bangladeshi community. Only 18% of Bangladeshi male fulfil the recommend level of physical activities, where the percentage of Bangladeshi women is only 7% (British Heart Foundation, 2002). Overweight and Obesity: Obesity is much lower in Indian, Pakistani and most especially in Bangladeshi men. Bangladeshi men are more then 3 times less obese than the general population. The weight to hip ratio is relatively high in Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi men. The percentage of centrally obese Indian men is 41% compare to the general population where the percentage is 28%. Among The women, Pakistani women have low prevalence of obesity and Bangladeshi women have high prevalence of obesity. The level of central obesity of all minor ethnic group women s is higher than the national average ( British Heart Foundation, 2002). Alcohol: Alcohol is relevant to the control of cardio-vascular disease in both ways. First, there is some evidence that shows that moderate alcohol drinking may reduce the risk of heart disease. On the other hand, heavy drinking of alcohol may rise the blood pressure and causes the obesity. Both of them are responsible for increasing the risk of coronary heart disease ( Paul Mckeigue and Leena Sevak, 1994, p19). Adults from all minority ethnic group excluding the Irish community less likely to intake alcohol than the national average of general population. A very small amount of Bangladeshi adults the percentage is less then 5 % and less then 10% of Pakistani adults is ever drinking alcohol at all. Compare to the men , women South Asian community is usually non drinker ( British Heart Foundation, 2002,p109). Blood Pressure: In the report of World Health Organization ( 2002) shows that marked rise of blood pressure is one of the leading risk factor of coronary heart disease (British Heart Foundation,2009). Blood pressure is similar to the levels of the Europeans, in Gujarati Hindus and Pakistani Muslims. The average blood pressure of Bangladeshis are usually lower than the European( Paul Mckeigue and Leena Sevak, 1994,p19). Bangladeshi men have 25% less chance to have high blood pressure than the men of general population. Pakistani women usually have around 25% more chance to grow high blood pressure then the women of general population ( British Heart Foundation, 2002,p130). Psychosocial Well-being: A number of psychosocial factor have been found to associate with the risk of increasing rates of coronary heart disease. They are work stress, lack of social support, depression (including anxiety) and personality (particularly hostility). The General Health Questionnaire ( GHQ12) is used assess the levels of depression, anxiety, disturbance and happiness by the Health Survey for England. It shows that women have high GHQ12 score compared to the men. 18% of women have high score. On the other hand, the percentage of men with high score is only 13%. The younger age groups has lower score then the women and men over the age of 75. There is no strong connection between GHQ12 scores and social class but there is a inverse connection between the GHQ12 scores and income, people who incomes less money usually have high score. Men living in the inner part of the London have more scores than the men of outer London. In case of women, 25% difference between inner Lond on and outer London. Among the ethnic community, Bangladeshis have the highest score followed by the Pakistani community. The percentage of Bangladeshi men and women who have high score is 28% and 30%.According to report, men has less social support then women. 16% of men are reported to have severe lack of social support, where only 12% women claim that they lave lack of social support according to Health Survey for England. Social support also varies with ethnicity. South Asian men and women are more reported to a lack of severe social support. Bangladeshi men are in the highest position with the 37% and Indian women with 34%. Diabetes: Diabetes is one of the major risk factor for coronary heart disease. Men who are suffering from type-2 diabetes have two to four fold of greater risk coronary heart disease. With more risk of coronary heart disease in women. Over 5% of men and 4% of women are suffering from the diagnosed diabetes.The Health survey for England estimate that around 3% of men and 1% women are suffering from diabetes in the UK, which are not diagnosed yet ( British Heart Foundation, 2009). The prevalence of diabetes is much more higher in South Asian community than the general population. In Bangladeshi and Pakistani men and women have the prevalence of diabetes five time higher than the general population( British Heart Foundation, 20002, p-152). The World Health Organization expresses the importance of giving focus on the major known risk factors. Smoking, diet and physical activity associated with other biological factor like blood pressure, dyslipidaemias and obesity is the main risk factor coronary heart disease, so these should be the main focus of the prevention policy. Among all the factors WHO gives more importance to take more steps on tobacco use and obesity ( World Health Organization, 2002). Due to premature mortality rates in the South Asian community ( Indians, Pakistani, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans) and the rates are higher than national average and the difference in the mortality rates between South Asian Population and white European. Finally, the Campaigns to change the life style organised by NHS is not as effective in South Asian community as the rest of the population. So British Heart Foundation take various activities to fight with coronary heart disease. British Heart foundation produce various videos of different case study in different language for health professionals and carers such as living to prevent heart disease which focuses on prevention and management of coronary heart disease and another one is Get fit, keep fit, and prevent heart disease based on physical activities. Two booklets in Urdu, Hindi, Bengali and English. Looking after your heart which contain the information about prevention and management of coronary heart disease and Medicine for Heart about the drug information. Health advocates project taken by the British Heart Foundation to deals with prevention and management of coronary heart disease in minority groups. This project deals with the training of advocacy worker to act as a interpreter in the minor ethnic groups to translate the situation in their own native language ( /////). British Heart Foundation also run health promotion in the Melas( South Asian fair) where they run a project called QUIT which gives the service of carbon monoxide check, Blood pressure checkand diabetes check ( DOH,2004). Department of health take various policies to prevent the coronary heart disease among the South Asian like Smoking cession service which continue to give advice to qiot smoking(///). To help the South Asian community to give free advice to give up smoking, the NHS has NHS Asian Tobacco Helpline in various language. To increase the physical activity Department of Health launched GP exercise referral schme where GPs are increasing people to take physical activities, Local exercise pilot programme launched at 2003. This project takes different approaches to increase the ethnic communities to take physical activities. Department of Health also take Walking Way to Health project where DOH gives pedometer in various GP centre as a motivational tool to encourage the people to walking. To improve the dietary habit Department of Health took various initiatives such as 5 A DAY initiative where they run cookery classes to increasing the people to take fruit and vegetable. 5 A DAY logo to to give people clear and continious message to eat more fruit and vegetables. Besides that DOH also run a project called school fruit and vegetable scheme where every children( 6-8) will have a piece of fruit or vegetable ( DOH2004). Newham Primary Care Trust also takes some initiatives to prevent coronary heart disease in the South Asian community. Newham Stop smoking Service: This project delivers a evidence based intervention and effective service among the people who want to give up smoke. The hospital smoking service is situated in the Newham university hospital trust in 2005 who give advice to give up smoking among the patient who stay in the hospital. Beside that, as the Newham house hold panel shows that 42% Bangladeshi men 33% and 22% of Pakistani men are smoker the NHS is selecting a advisor in the mosque who will discuss the adverse effect of the smoking and run a anti smoking Champaign in the Ramjan Since 2004( Newham 2007). Physical activities in Newham: Newham Primary Care Trust takes various initiatives to increase the physical activities among its population. Newham Step-o-metre programme to encouraging the patient to take more physical exercise by allowing them to use a free pedometer in short loan period. The Newham gold card system allows its population aged between 5-17 to free entry to Newham leisure club for swimming and other sports. Besides that the trust takes extended school programme and school sport programme( Newham 2007) Newham Fit Club: It is a joint venture by the between the council and PCT launched in 2005.The club gives advice to improve health among the boroughs population. It has two component, open programme for all the resident to increase awareness to improve health and Targeted programme includes a range of physical activities among the Newham employee and senior swims. Food and Nutrition of Newham: There is number of initiatives are taken by the PCT to improve the nutritional status of the population. Food in School is the one project which established in April 2006. It took various steps such as training for the school cook by trained chef, encouraging the people to choose healthier food, a healthy eating theatre production , healthy laucnch packet session for parents etc. There is a pilot programme called Family Life Style programme takes place in autumn of 2005 to increase physical activities, improve the diatary habits and prevent obesity among the children age7-11 ( Newham 2007). After carefully examine the policies I found some service gaps. British Heart Foundation published some videos to improve the awareness among the South Asian community but they dont mention the how it helps the target population, either it was free or people have to buy it. The booklet published in different language is good but it must be insure that it will available to the communities. Department of Health took action against the smoking is good but need more importance. The Asian help line which gives good advice to give up smoking among the South Asian did not say that caller have to pay or not. To increasing the physical activities DOH takes various initiatives but it is too general, as in the South Asian communities, women are also vulnerable to coronary heart disease, but there are no specific policies for women. In the policies to improve the diet Department of Health is focused on the particular age groups rather than the whole population. Newham Primary Care Trust takes va rious initiatives to stop smoking is good, but as the South Asian population is marked smoker need more focus on this communities.To increase the physical activities Newham PCT took various steps but it is more specific about the age and there is no particular steps for women as the South Asian women are conservative in nature and not like to take physical activities in front of male. The steps taken to improve the food habits by the Newham PCT is only based on specific aged groups. As the pattern of food habit is different in South Asian communities so they need more importance in this sector. To improve the situation I have some recommendation in my mind, British Heart Foundation can play theier videos in the South Asian melas where large number of South Asian people can join. Department of Health can make the Smoking quary lines are free of charged. About the policies in physical activities national and local policies are too specific about the aged groups and more generalised. Government and Newham Local Authority can arrange some physical compition like race, marathon etc among the South Asian community so that they can incourage to have more physical activities. To improve the the food habit among the South Asian population I think the best way to trained the South Asian women, because in the South Asian communities usually women are cooking food for all the members. Besides that Government and Local Authority have to give more priorities in education, general health and to provide sufficient house among the South Asian and most importantly create more job vacancies b ecause unemployment is one of the main cause of stress in South Asian community. To conclude, I have to say that South Asian people are distributed largely in the United Kingdom. They are different in religious belief, language and cultural pattern from the indigenous population in the United kingdom. So the risk factors for coronary heart disease is different in South Asian population than the indigenous population. Government should be examine the demography and epidemiological factors, socio-economic factors and various cultural factors that put South Asian population in the Risk of coronary heart disease before making the policies. Reference: Sara Stanner(2005): Cardiovascular Disease: Diet, Nutrition and Emerging Risk Factors, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Petersen, S and Rayner, M (2002): Coronary heart disease statistics, London, British Heart Foundation. McKeigue, P and Sevak, L ( 1994): Coronary Heart Disease in South Asian Communities, London, Health Education Authority. National Statistics (2009): London Population and Migration [online] Available from: [accessed 08/0709] Publication (2008): Joint Strategic Needs Assessment[online] Available from: [accessed 08/07/09] DHSSPS Publications (2004 ) : HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELLBEING: CORONARY HEART DISEASE [Online ] Available From: [accessed 08/07/09 ] Habib Naqvi ( 2003) : Ischaemic heart disease audit of primary care patients ( 2001-2002) : comparisons by age, sex and ethnic group [online] Available from: [accessed13/07/09] Department of Health (2004): Heart disease and South Asians: Delivering the National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease [Online] Available from: [accessed13/07/09] British Heart Foundation ( 2009): Coronary Heart Disease Statistics Fact Sheet 2008/2009 [online] Available from: [accessed13/07/09] World Health Organization (200)2: Life course perspectives on coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes, Key issues and implications for policy and research [Online] Available from: [accessed 07/04/09]. Public Health For Newham ( 2007): Savings Lives 2007 [online] Available from: [accessed15/07/09]

Friday, October 25, 2019

Juror :: essays research papers

Juror 10 There are two main characteristics of the 10th juror that influence his verdict. The first is that juror 10 is prejudiced against the defendant (most likely he is racist, but we can not be 100% sure). The second is that he is uncaring and impatient. The first time we get a glimpse of juror 10’s prejudice is on page 7 when he says â€Å"It’s the element. I’m telling you they let those kids run wild up there. Well, maybe it serves them right.† He believes that anyone coming from a poor neighborhood is less than human. We can see right from the start that the verdict that the defendant is undoubtedly ‘guilty’ is locked in his mind simply because he has a personal grudge against people like the defendant. Next, on page 10 and 14, he states â€Å"You can’t believe a word they say† and â€Å"The kids who crawl outa those places are real trash†. Clearly it can be seen that he has a certain unfounded prejudice towards the defendant, viewing him as a liar and a piece of trash, with no supporting evidence. This prejudice most surely influences his verdict of ‘guilty’ without view of any evidence. If that is not enough, starting on page 62 Juror 10 begins a speech l asting 2 pages in which he spews out his views of people like the defendant: â€Å"Human life doesn’t mean as much to them as it does to us†¦And they are-wild animals.† Juror 10 is an impatient and uncaring/unconcerned person. It is made clear by viewing his lines that Juror 10 does not take his part on the jury seriously and only wants to reach a consensus as quickly as possible. His reason is quickly found on page 22 when he states, â€Å"I got three garages of mine going to pot while your talking. Let’s get done and get outa here.† On page 34 he impatiently asks, â€Å"What’s the idea of wasting everybody’s time here?† Clearly he just wants to get back to his garages; he selfishly feels that his own problems are worth more effort than the life of a boy. On page 52 his impatience and uncaring come out quite clearly in his conversation with the fellow ‘guilty’ jurors. â€Å"I think we should just quit,† he says, â€Å"†¦Those people in there are suddenly like it’s some kind of mission or something.† It is quite clear Juror 10 just wants to quit and go home without trying to t hink about the case.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Belonging in “Bend it like Beckham” Essay

The struggle to belong is significant in shaping the familial and cultural relationships of migrants. This idea is evident in two of Peter Skrzynecki’s poems, Feliks Skrzynecski and postcard, as well as the movie bend it like beckham directed by Gurinda Chadha. All of us have had to struggle for something in our lives, however, when minorities such as the ones portrayed in these texts are forced into a struggle due to their ancestry, their ties with their family and culture are greatly influenced. Struggling to find a sense of belonging with ones family can be overcome by a shared experience. This is evident in Feliks skrzyecki, when Peter, who after migrating to Australia starts to lose his connection with his fathers Polish heritage The poets isolation from his father is shown in the quote â€Å"shook hands too violently†, visual imagery is used to show the fact that peter cannot connect with his father or his friends. Later in the third stanza the impersonal pronoun â€Å"they† is used to exclude Feliks from his father and in turn the cultural heritage that his father belongs to. However, 2 stanzas later, Peter is able to achieve a sense of belonging with his father after an experience encountering a department store clerk. the who † asked me in dancing bear grunts â€Å"did your father even attempt to learn english?† the clerk is used as a microcosm to represent an unwelcoming society, which both he and his father struggle to fit into. There shar ed experience helps build the relationship of he and his father. This shows us that when an experience is shared, a connection can made more easily with ones family. This idea is also prevalent in bend in like beckham. when main character jess, an indian teenager struggles to connect with her family due to their disapproval of her love for soccer. Her isolation from her parents mirrors that of peter. for example as jess prepares to take a free kick she envisions her family on the opposition team, all dressed in traditional sikh clothing, pleading with jess to return to her traditional duties. The directer uses costuming to juxtaposed jess’s football kit with the clothing of her ancestors,this shows the alienation that she suffers from her indian culture, as well as the internal conflict that she suffers when deciding  between her heritage and her soccer. Her disconnection is also evident when a close up shot is used of the mother, as she states â€Å"what family would want a daughter in law who can kick a football all day but can’t make round chapatis?†. this is juxtaposed with her daughters perspective in a previous scene when jess says â€Å"who wants cook Aloo Gobi when you can bend a ball like beckham. These quotes help give an understanding of the constant struggle that jess faces between her passion of soccer and the heritage that was bestowed upon her. The text is also similar to feliks skrzynecki due to that fact that she finds a way to connect with her father through the shared experience of being racially vilified, just as peter and his dad did. during a soccer match, jess is abused by an opposition player, being called a â€Å"paki† – a racial slur towards someone of sub continental descent. This incident mirrors the struggle that her father went through when he was thrown out of his cricket club due to his decent. He described his treatment using simile as â€Å"like a dog† to show the alienation he felt. The shared experience of being racially vilified helped connect the father and daughter, much like in Feliks skrzynevski. The struggle to belong can also lead to an acceptance of ones ancestry. This is shown in Postcard, a poem that discusses Peter skryznecki’s internal struggle when receiving a postcard from his parents old city of warsaw. The postcard elicits emotions of alienation due to the fact that it is something his parents can connect to, but he himself is disconnected from it, having never been there. high modality is used when the quote † i never knew you† is repeated throughout the second phase of the poem. impersonal pronouns such as â€Å"my father† and â€Å"my mother† are used to alienate him from the town. It is this internal struggle of being disconnected with his ancestry that leads him to the realisation in the last stanza of the poem that he must eventually connect with the town that he has such strong heritage with. Personification and high modality is used in the quote â€Å"a lone tree whispers â€Å"we will meet before you die.†Ã¢â‚¬  The lone tree is a metaphor for his subconscious, which means that he has come to the conclusion that he must eventually confront his ancestry and find a sense of belonging with it. this  realisation could not of been possible without the internal struggle and alienation that he felt from his cultural heritage. This contrast with both Feliks Skrzynecki and Bend it like beckham. in Feliks skrzynecki he Peter does not come to the conclusion that he will reconnect with his ancestors, instead he drifts away from them, as shown in the final stanza. â€Å"watched me pegging my tents/further south of Hadrians wall†. The metaphor of hadriens wall is used to represent his migrant culture, and the fact that he will continue to drift away from it, rather than try and connect with it, like in Postcard. Bend it like beckham again differs from these texts as it is jess’s family that eventually accepts her. it is evident in the quote â€Å"I taught her a full indian dinner, the rest is up to god.† that her mother has accepted her daughter, and jess’ struggle to belong to her family is over. In conclusion struggling to belong will ultimately be the catalyst for a stronger or weaker connection with your family and heritage, whether that change is positive or negative is dependent on the environment that one is surrounded in. Both Postcard and Feliks skrzynecki by Peter skrzynecki and bend it like beckham directed by Gurinda Chadha effectively display this.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A favourite product, service, or organization (PSO): Piano Essay

Introduction Richard Clayderman, David Foster, and many other popular musicians have one thing in common; they have quality of playing a musical instrument; the piano. Piano is a popular instrument especially for private household ownership +among the middle and upper classes. Hence, pianos have gained a place in the popular awareness. A piano is one of the largest consumer purchases most people will ever make. Yet when we shop for a piano, we are up against a vast variety of brands, models, and styles, competing claims, and strange terminology. Maybe for some people a piano is just a piano. It is an easy choice. They just need to pick the colour they want. On the other hand, a piano is a vehicle to release emotions, to discipline their self, to achieve tremendous joy, to work, to create. These are the people whose heads spin when shopping for a piano because it is difficult to use logic to make an emotional decision. Most people are genuine, caring and careful. The more we know about pianos and the buying process, the easier it will be to trust what people are telling us. We will feel more comfortable if we ask for assurances. Reputable dealers, teachers, tuners and brokers will welcome our analysis. Concerning the Piano product, this paper will discuss about the problem in the sales of Piano by using appropriate marketing theory to explain why the problem arises. In addition, we will also compare the Piano with other competing product. Problem Statement Despite the declining trend, the author sees that pianos in general have grown progressively larger and more powerful over the past couple of centuries, with thicker and heavier strings under higher tension. Just like a car, a piano is an investment. We should treat our purchase of a piano with at least as much care as we would in buying a car. Nowadays, we heard that the piano industry is corrupt, run by dishonest people, who only engage in scandalous and disreputable selling methods. Need to be known that it is not true. The piano industry is an incredibly wonderful segment of the musical instrument industry. The people are fantastic, talented and very dedicated. Piano businesses must make a profit in order to operate. In fact, regarding pianos, some people experience more traumas in selecting than in choosing a car, a house, or an oral surgeon. If we are a novice and feel we lack enough knowledge about pianos, do not hesitate to find someone who does to help inform us. One of the most terrifying experiences for most pianists is purchasing a piano. The more advanced the pianist, the more important the response. How the piano reacts to the pianist’s touch describes response. Advanced pianists can and do overplay lesser quality pianos. In addition to the changing economical and technological situation (the IT boom, the invention of electronic keyboard, the increasing inflation and fuel price that result in the increasing price of almost all consumer goods and many others), the other possible reason could be the reducing concerns on buying a piano. A limitation of the research is that observation method does not involve direct interviews which will slightly reduce objectivity and the accuracy of information. We are retrieving more reliable data from experts’ analysis, journals and various publications from available media. Using the data resources above, we are hoping to present an independent and objective analysis toward the contemporary issue. Recommendations of the future research include using the inputs from sellers and dealers of musical instrument using primary research about the changing consumer behaviour towards the purchase of a piano. To get the comprehensive picture, it had better that the future research use large sample size and including the opinions of economists and musicians in assessing the problem and suggesting appropriate solutions. Research Objective This paper intends to find out the underlying reasons that explain the declining number of sales of Piano in recent years Using the non-participant observation method, collecting data and analyzing qualitative information from journal, books, magazine and other online materials, this paper is to conduct analysis of piano-purchase behaviour In addition, the paper aims at finding suitable alternative technology substituting Piano as a music instrument. Piano Product Description Pianos are very individual instruments and, like shoes, one size does not necessarily fit all. Playing it for a few minutes will give you an idea of the action and sound. Consumers are bombarded with so many claims, graphs, color charts, misinformation and fancy words, from so many different sources. Their heads start to spin. It is no wonder the more one shops around for a piano, or whatever, the more confused one becomes. If people are an aspiring artist or a professional musician, they should buy the finest piano built in their own estimation. That piano should have nothing less than complete artistic capabilities. The extra cost will not amount to much, and they will receive the extra benefit of owning and playing a piano of superior quality. Materials will affect the sound and longevity of a piano. However, do not base our final decision on purchasing a piano on materials alone (Fine, 2006). If we know and trust the dealer, our only real concern is getting the model we want at the right price. If we do not know the dealer, it cannot hurt to take a piano tuner or a pianist along to advise us, even if it does hurt the dealer’s feeling. To do so would probably require that high quality pianos cost two to three times what they do now, and they are already very expensive. The problem arises, though, when pianos arrive at customers’ homes in a state of adjustment far below the acceptable standard.   Most people who are not experienced pianists, and even some who are, are not familiar enough with what should be expected, to know when there is a problem. The development of musical instrument leads to the variety of Piano models and price. In general, there are two kinds of Piano: they are vertical pianos and horizontal pianos. Horizontal pianos are named after their model that has height and the strings position. In particular, the height of this piano model is about 36 to 60 inches (Figure 1). There are four types of vertical pianos; they are Spinet, Console, Studio, Upright (, 2008). Figure 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   43† Vertical Piano Source: Wyman Piano Company. (2007). Meanwhile, the horizontal pianos also refer to grand pianos, which named after their model that has length and their strings placement. Furthermore, there are 6 basic types of pianos; they are Petite Grand, Baby Grand, Medium Grand, Semi concert or Ballroom, and Concert Grand (, 2008). Figure 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pearl River 6’1†³ Grand Piano Source:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Onofrio Piano Company. (2007) Why Piano becomes My favourite Piano become my favourite musical instrument due to the original sounds generated by the instrument and many great classical and pop musicians have great works when played by Piano. For example, works of J.S. Back, Mozart is well-produced when they are played by Piano solo. The condition is the same when I hear pop musician like Richard Clayderman or David Foster. Based on my favourite musicians, I choose Piano as my favourite product. Comparison: Acoustic Piano vs. Keyboard (Electric Piano) Technical Considerations The difference between digital piano and electronic piano is major about the technical issue of sounds producing. On an acoustic (â€Å"real†) piano, the key mechanism is hammer based, which means that there would be different sounds if a person differently plays the keys. If the person presses the keys hard (quick), it causes the hammer to hit the string strongly and will produce strong sounds. In contrast, if the key is pressed lightly, the hammer will hit the string mildly, causing a gentle sound (Lee, 2002). Unlike the acoustic piano, the electronic piano is electronically produced, which means that the electric piano cannot differentiate the soft or hard press in the keys by the players. Whatever the players/musicians press the keys, the electric piano will produce the same sounds (Lee, 2002). Non-Technical Considerations In non-technical considerations, the use of electric piano usually for those who wants to master multiple instruments at the same time since it has several buttons to produce artificial instrument sound like drum, guitar, and also the background music. Meanwhile, Piano is dedicated for a person who wants to master the single instrument. Piano Sales 2000-2004 Although the vast model of piano does not produce different the quality of produced sound so much, in the market, the vertical pianos model still become the most popular model, followed by grand and electric pianos. Figure 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Compositions of Piano Sales in 2000 – 2004 Sources: Giles Communications LLC. (2006). Table 1 show that the sales of vertical pianos reach 50,000 units per year meanwhile the grand pianos reach 30,000 unit per annum. Table 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sales History of Piano Since 1990s Sources: Giles Communications LLC. (2006) Table 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Comparison of Piano Producers Competitive Advantage Marketing Concept Marketing is not limited to business situation. All of us are involved in marketing on a daily basis, whether we are applying for a new job, asking for a raise or trying to sell our old car. Marketing involves every aspect of business from the manufacturing of a product to actual point of sale (â€Å"How-To†, 2001): Product Development & Manufacturing. Promotion Presentation Pricing One of marketing concept that explains the product offering is product life cycle that represents one essential element in the marketing mix; the product has a concept or terminology, which is known in marketing environment. The concept is called Product Life Cycle. In general, Product Life Cycle has four distinct stages where Pianos always experience: Introduction Stages is a period of slow sales growth as the product is introduced in the market. Growth Stage is a period of rapid market acceptance and increasing profits. Maturity Stage is a period of slow down in sales growth because the product has achieved acceptance by most potential buyers. Profits level off or decline because of increased marketing outlays to defend the product against competition. Decline Stage is the period when sales fall off and profits drop. Figure 4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Product Life Cycle of Piano Source: Internet Center for Management and Business Administration. 2004 Nature and Form of Results Actually, buying pianos is very simple. All we need to know is our price range, the features we want, and the manufacturer. On the other hand, if we are buying electronic piano, it is easier. We do not need an experienced piano technician to help us evaluate the piano. I think that more people buy on appearance than anything else does. If we see a piano that is beautiful on the outside, this does not mean that the inside will match in terms of quality. Logically speaking, it would be prohibitively expensive for a piano manufacturer to spend all the extra time devoted to the person’s instruments on a piano that was not intended for such critical use, or where the person ultimately buying the piano may not appreciate or even notice all the additional effort and expense (Fine, Larry). When we want to go piano shopping, go to a store that has a reputation for reliability in our community.   Look with suspicion upon one that is constantly advertising bargains.   The salesperson, if a professional may ask us several questions before he or she even attempts to show or demonstrate any piano. Do not resent this. They are simply trying to help us select the best piano adapted to our purse and purpose.   He or she may ask us if we have children who will be expected to study the piano. They may want to know the approximate size of our living room (Viewing and Purchasing an Upright Piano). We need to know that a piano is expensive to purchase but as has been pointed out, a keyboard is not an optimal substitute for this instrument. One solution would be renting a piano. Many music stores listed in the yellow pages offer this service (Viewing and Purchasing an Upright Piano). People also must consider the beauty of what they see, the beauty of what they hear, and the value of their investment. The final answer to each of these considerations depends largely on each personal situation. Reference: (2008). The Piano. Retrieved February 22, 2008 from Fine, Larry. (2006). Looking for a Piano (Or Zen and the Art of Piano Buying). Retrieved February 22, 2008 from Giles Communications LLC. (2006). U.S. Piano Sales History. Retrieved February 22, 2008 from How –To Understand Marketing. The How-To Network. Retrieved February 24, 2008 from Internet Center for Management and Business Administration. (2004). The Product Life Cycle. Retrieved February 22, 2008 from Lee, Xah. (2002). Piano keyboard actions: Acoustic vs. Modern Weighted. Retrieved February 23, 2008 from Onofrio Piano Company. (2007). Pearl River. Retrieved February 22, 2008 from PIANO SALES. (2005). Retrieved February 22, 2008 from RECENT MARKET FACTS. Retrieved February 20, 2008 from Wyman Piano Company. (2007). Vertical Pianos. Retrieved February 22, 2008 from