Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Study of Factors which Influence Management Student's Career Choices Dissertation

A Study of Factors which Influence Management Student's Career Choices after Graduating from Master's Degree - Dissertation Example Items of the questionnaire. 28 Table 2. Frequency and percentage distribution by gender. 33 Table 3. Frequency and percentage distribution by age. 33 Table 4. Frequency and percentage distribution by number of years since graduation from Masters in Management degree. 34 Table 5. Frequency and percentage distribution by ethnicity. 34 Table 6. Descriptive statistics: Extrinsic Factors (Status Orientation) 34 Table 7. Descriptive statistics: Intrinsic Factors: Self-realisation. 35 Table 8. Descriptive statistics: Intrinsic Factors: Self-determination 36 Table 9. ... Coefficient of determination: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 39 Table 15. One-way ANOVA: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 39 Table 16. Beta coefficients: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 40 List of Acronyms There were no acronyms used in the research. An Investigation of the Factors which Influence Post-Graduate Management Students’ Career Choices: An Empirical Study Nameand ID Module code: Structured Abstract Purpose Overall, the present research aims to determine the factors that significantly influence the career objectives of management graduates. It aims to ascertain if extrinsic, intrinsic and interpersonal factors, along with personal and situational attributes significantly predict the choice of a management-related job or career by management graduates. Career objectives are referred to as the drivers of the career choice selected by an individual. As motivators, career objectives play a fundamental role in determining the career path of the individual and are thus quite significant in setting the career course of the person. Career objectives underlie the specific career choice and path that the individual will trod, including the job prospects that will be available for him; his future needs in monetary and psychological terms; and other key themes that determine the individual’s present satisfaction and his future intentions related to his profession. Being a fundamental factor in the process of determining the career path of an individual, career objectives are influenced by numerous factors. Subsequently, career objectives influence the preferred career choices of an individual. The myriad of effects presented by career objectives makes it quite essential to identify its influencing

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