Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Education vs. Budget Cuts - 1052 Words

Education vs. Budget Cuts When I think of education, I think of how great it is and how far it can take us. Education is just as important as history. You know how they say if you don’t know your history you don’t know where you come from? Well, same goes for education, if you don’t have education you can’t go very far in life. These days, if you don’t have a college education it’s hard to find a good paying job because just having a high school diploma or a GED isn’t enough. Austin Bureau says, â€Å"Educators have again warned state lawmakers that severe budget cuts will hurt public education and pleaded for more flexibility in the way school districts deal with lower funding†. Because of the budget cuts, education is one of the†¦show more content†¦That number is ridiculous and irate. That is a lot of money being cut from education. I honestly want to know where the money is going. In my opinion it can’t be going anywhere that more effective than education. It’s not only effecting the state of Texas. Larissa Mae Suarez says, â€Å"Simultaneous actions also took place in other schools outside Metro Manila, organized by the National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP), against the state’s abandonment of its responsibility to ensure quality and accessible education for the youth†. With this being said, it’s not only a state problem; it’s a national problem also. Although Rick Perry had nothing to do with national problems, I think that the state and national government need to budget money better. In conclusion, education is major part of life and I don’t feel that it should be cut. If there is enough money in the rainy day fun to give towards education so that students could get the proper education that they deserve and teachers can keep their jobs then it should be given. I don’t think it’s fair the school funding is being reduced by 9.3 billion dollars and it’s only towards public education. Although private education is an alternate decision, everyone can’t afford it. Work Cited McCann, Ian. â€Å"Dallas students, parents rally against education cuts at Perry speech in Richardson†. 15 March 2011 Scharrer, Gary andShow MoreRelatedAssistance For Low Income Individuals And Families928 Words   |  4 PagesSNAP. However the federal government has threaten to cut back on the budget for SNAP. In January 2014 the Farm bill was proposed which included an 8.7 million cut to the SNAP program for the next 10 years. Obama later signed the bill into law on February 7, 2014 saying that the Bill would help create more jobs, move the economy forward and give Americans more equal opportunity (Resnikoff 1). 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